646 West Ocean Heights Ave., Suite 101, Linwood, NJ, 08221
Tel: 609-926-8400
Janice Picking’s
Nutrition & Functional Medicine Center

Glyphosate Testing

Glyphosate & Autism
Glyphosate is the world's most widely produced herbicide and is the primary toxic chemical in Roundup TM, as well as being used in more than 700 different products from agriculture to home use. Glyphosate was introduced in the 1970's to kill weeds by targeting the enzymes that produce the amino acids: tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalaline. Usage of glyphosate amplified after the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMO) glyphosate-resistant crops that can grow in the presence of this chemical in soil. More than 90% of corn and soy used are now of the GMO type. In addition, Non-GMO wheat is commonly treated with glyphosate as a drying procedure.
Treatment of glyphosate toxicity should be centered on determining the route of introduction and avoiding future exposure. Eating non-GMO foods and drinking reverse osmosis water are two of the best ways to avoid glyphosate.
Hear about the health dangers of Glyphosate
Recent studies have discovered glyphosate exposure to be a cause of many chronic health problems. It can enter the body by direct absorption through the skin, by eating foods treated with glyphosate, or by drinking water contaminated with glyphosate. The World Health Organization Internation Agency for Research on Cancer published a summary in March 2015 that classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen in humans. Studies have also indicated that glyphosate disrupts the micro biome in the intestine, causing a decrease in the ration of beneficial to harmful bacteria. Current research indicates that disruption of the micro biome could cause diseases such as metabolic disorder, diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and autism.